Technical Sound Designer 

Technical Audio Demo Reel

GOW audio RE-design. After beating the Valkyrie Queen on god of war difficulty, I wanted to sound design the fight just because I thought the fight was so good.

Mortal Kombat audio paint-over. I wanted to specifically focus on impacts, magic, blood and gore and a slight amount of ambience to fill the space. So I left out foot steps and music. This was a lot of fun to make!

Doom audio re design and an in-depth description of dynamic ambience I created.

In-depth Sound design of the main mechanic of my game the AquaVac

Legends of Runeterra

Audio Redesign

This is an audio redesign of Legends of Runeterra. a card game created by Riot.

Fácil Viene, Fácil Se Vá

This is a Day of the dead inspired piece that I sound designed for CrowBones Studios. This is a personal favorite of mine.

Solaris Rift

Solaris Rift is an inter galactic based card game based on three factions. This game was built in a custom engine. All of the audio was made by me. This game is now available on Steam.